Plans for 2017!

Happy New Year! Let’s make 2017 a whole lot better than 2016. (NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO DIE!!!) The video above is my makeup look to see the new year in. Using loose glitter all over the lid you are sure to be sparkling when the clock strikes 12.

Now onto business. I’ve mentioned a few times that I am a student. I am currently in my third year of a degree studying English Literature and Creative Writing. Up until this point I’ve been able to create a balance between my degree and my blog and my YouTube content. But since I am heading into my last and most important semester of my student career, I feel I need to reorganise my time. So, in the new year I will be alternating between video content and a written blog post. There will still be content posted every Friday and everything will be available on this site. But one week it will be a blog post and the next week will be a video be it a makeup tutorial or vlog.

After graduation it may go back to a post and video every week, but for now this is what I need to do.

Thank you to those of you who read my blog! Thank you for your support. Have a great New Years! Stay safe and drink responsibly!


Ay x

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